International Transfers

Send money far, far away

Join 45+ million customers worldwide and save on global transfers with Express. Send money quickly in 70+ currencies to 160+ countries.

Fees so low, you’ll actually want to exchange money

We believe in 100% transparency and keeping our rates competitive. Exchange with us for full payment clarity.

Send money soooooooooo fast

Yeah, the headline pretty much says it all — money typically gets to Express friends, or other card accounts, in 20 seconds.

160+ Countries. 70+ Currencies.

From Armenia to Australia, and almost everywhere in between, send money where and how you like. And with our rates, there’s pretty much no reason not to send that money.


Feel close to home

Close the distance between you and loved ones by pitching in on bills or birthdays, without paying a fortune to help out.

Help out from afar

College kid travelling or living abroad? When they inevitably ask for more money, get some peace of mind that you can send it their way quickly and securely.

So many ways to send money abroad

Bank transfers

Transfer money using an account number

Card transfers

Send money in real-time to a card account

Peer transfers

Send money to other Express friends

Wallet transfers

Transfer money to a mobile wallet through their phone number

Safety first

Advanced fraud protection, rigorous security features, and 24/7 in-app customer support — your safety is our priority.

Under Construction!

We are in development phase of this site. Thank you for your patience. Coming soon 2026!
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